Metales Casino S.L
With the experience of three generations of recuperadores, METALS CASINO, SL. was founded in the year 1990 by the purpose of carrying out the commercialization and classification of the not ferric metals from the recovery. The experience accumulated during several decades and the agility that gives a modern structure have allowed in these years to offer to our clients and suppliers a serious, responsible and effective service presenting a few prices always very competitive.
The metal management Casino, S.L, of familiar mien, it is permanently compromised by the satisfaction of his suppliers and clients and by the quality of the services and offered products.
Our beginning
So much of the services of admission – supply of materials, since in processes of valuation for classification and pressing to be freed as the first matters for the secondary smelting.
In order that in good collaboration with MEXTAL they could contribute to mutual benefits fruit of the SIG implanted for the Quality and the protection of the Environment.
To measures of prevention of the pollution and of optimization in the utilization of resources as route of contribution to the sustainable growth.
Informs the persons related to the organization and whose activity could generate a significant effect on the Environment, in order that they know possible Good practices, so much voluntary as of obliged legal fulfillment as well as his possible impacts.
As beginning of the quality, to give SERVICE TO THE INDUSTRIES for the negotiations of recovery, storage and classification of metal scraps of third parties, with good practices of waste management, suitable and under fulfillment of the legal requirements of application