Our Policy on Environmental Performance, integrated with Quality establishes the criteria on which the implementation of the system is based.

To do this we proceeded to identify the environmental aspects and potential impacts that the activity may result in direct and indirect impact. A thorough examination leads to identify up to 150 aspects, which can influence
Expose considered significant. Reduce concerns us all as an act of respect and contribution to the sustainability of our society and environment.

  • Power Consumption
  • Fuel consumption
  • Hydraulics failures Teams
  • Machinery raw materials up
  • Disorder and lack of security
  • Presence of inappropriate materials (wood, cardboard, stones etc)
  • Incorrect documentation
  • Maneuvers and surge truck
  • Legal breaches
  • Storage risk products (diesel oil)

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Detailed Aspects

Power ConsumptionConsumption of energy resources
Fuel consumptionOil consumption.

Gas and smoke emissions into the atmosphere
Hydraulic system faults TeamsOil consumption

Risk of contamination of soil and water.

Hazardous waste management.
Machinery raw materials upConsumption of diesel, oil and maintenance.

Unnecessary air pollution
Disorder and lack of securityAccidents, repetitions
Presence of inappropriate materials (wood, cardboard, stones etc)
incorrect documentationRisk of loss of efficacy. Transport arrangements and inadequate waste
Maneuvers and surge truckExcessive noise. Operatives and neighborhood nuisances. Watering accident
legal breacheslack of documentation
Inadequacy of storage risk products (diesel,oil)Sanctions. Accidents likely breach of security.